Dolly, dinner and the Mink

Lewis and I came up to Oban today for a wee night away! We had a nice wander round, and have been for a lovely dinner this evening!

For those of you asking about Mr Mink, here is a picture from yesterday! When we were driving down to Dumfries we saw this guy run on to the road and get hit by the car in front of us, it clipped him and knocked him back into the ditch at the side of the road! I saw this happen, but we couldn't stop, so I made Lewis do a u-turn further along and go back for him! When I got to him he was just lying there, but I could see he was breathing, so I picked him up! We took him back along to a safe bit to stop, and we set him down to see if he was well enough to run off, but he just sat! We caught him again, and wrapped him up in a blankie and we googled animal rescues in Dumfries! We drove him to an animal hospital, but it turned out it was only open part time, but it was attached to an agricultural college! A woman who had keys to the hospital came and opened up, with students in tow, after Lewis told her we had an injured Mink! She didn't believe us that it was a Mink at first, and was surprised when that was in fact what he turned out to be! She popped him in a carrier after a quick look at him, and he seemed to be bleeding, he hadn't been initially as I'd held him against me and there was no blood on me! The called the girl who worked at the hospital and she was going to take him to the vet! I called this morning to see how they got on and she told me he passed away on route to the vet! She suspected he'd had internal bleeding, which is not surprising, as I saw the knock he took! I'm sad we couldn't do more for him, but I couldn't have left him by the side of the road, especially after seeing him get hit by the car! He was a cute wee critter, I'm glad we stopped to help him, even if it didn't have a happy ending!

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