Abstract Thursday: "Architectural"

Here's my offering for Abstract Thursday, currently kindly hosted by Ingeborg. She gave us the optional theme of "Architectural" so I thought I'd take a shot of our staircase which shows the typical internal architectural style used for staircases in about 1904 when the house was built. The photo has, of course, been suitably "abstractified" - the spindles are made of hemlock pine and are actually a lovely light brown colour with fabulous grain. At least they are nowadays - when we moved in many years ago they were a dark "mucky" brown through which the grain could hardly be seen: my Editor stripped and re-stained them all by hand and did a lovely job (she almost drove herself mad in the process, however - there's 99 of them as they go all the way up to the attic!).

Congratulations to meancoast and madwill who correctly identified my Whatsaat Wednesday offering yesterday. It's a 35mm film cassette from the "olden days" of film photography, but I put it into its plastic canister to make it more tricky. The extra shows it  out of its canister. It turned up a while ago; I've no idea whether it's ever been used - maybe I should get it processed sometime to find out! It must be years out of date however.

Thanks to everyone who had a guess anyway, even if you were wrong: I loved reading all the suggestions :-)

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