
By TBay

The new addition.

Sue has worked for us for 27 years and we call her Staffie as at one time she was my only staff. She is part time now as she has three children and is a divorcee. However she comes to the farm most days even if she is not working. This place is really her home, and in fact when she first worked for us she lived here too. She has worked alongside me in the hen houses , lambed ewes and worked with the horses. She now helps in the house and looks after Little Miss too. In the past she has had ponies to both ride and show but she has just sold her daughters pony at Xmas. They have decided that they wanted to buy a youngster to show in hand and bring on this time and this is a picture of the fab little chap they bought today. He will now become a part of farm life too!

I have been working on the new computer system we have got to put our accounts on and I have to say it is so much quicker than my old system! Very intuitive, and it will make doing the VAT a button pressing affair in the near future!

Farming - Two hauling compost. Mr Tbay Jnr muck spreading. Rusty bale hauling as well as compost hauling.

Mr Tbay in office with me.

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