September squirrel

O sweet September, thy first breezes bring the dry leaf's rustle and the squirrel's laughter, the cool fresh air whence health and vigor spring and promise of exceeding joy hereafter.
~ George Arnold

The quote is wishful thinking, a cool fresh breeze is not the weather outside the door where Nelson awaits his peanuts. The humid warmth continues, but the surrounding trees are beginning to reveal small seasonal changes, shedding a few leaves and their summer luster. Female hummingbirds dart at each other and make more frequent stops at blooms and feeders. Two glistening jewels in the damp dull light from dawn to dusk, their arduous flight to Mexico is imminent. Chipmunks too seem to work harder, stocking up, preparing for what they sense, what they know is coming. Crisp autumn air cannot be too far away.

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