Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Not so Bright for some

Alternative September Daily Challenge Day 5: Bright

Well my blip may have a bright spot of sunshine in it, but poor Blaine woke up this morning all congested and not feeling bright at all. He then had a nosebleed after blowing his nose, and it seemed to go on forever and looked like he lost a lot of blood, during this time he said he felt weak so had to go and lie down. I banned him from 'school work' and told him to rest for the remainder of the day. He's feeling a bit better now.

Poor Aiden loves her big brother deeply and tends to feel very protective over him (must be womanly instincts) and was horrified that his nose was bleeding so much and that it continued to bleed for such a long time, then to hear that he'd gone to his room to lie down (Blaine is mostly a healthy child) worried her to the point of tears, so there was that to deal with too.

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