Another Lily

Thank you all very much for your comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Heron!  Another Big Thank You to the Blipper who kindly advised us on how to remove Lily pollen marks from clothing!
This is one of the "other" bunch of Lilies (see here) that have begun opening .Unfortunately "himself" managed to brush up against at least one and his shirt was pollinated.  He changed his shirt and promptly did it again!  Not content with two pollinated shirts he managed to transfer some on to my new blouse.  Now the situation became serious!  Two new shirts is OK but a new blouse? That is just too is just too much!!   Out came the sticky tape to remove most of the stain, followed by  a cool biological washing powder soak and then a wash.  Hey presto - it worked!.  All stamens sprayed with extra strong hold hairspray.  Blip, washing, and Lilies sorted!

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