Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A Farmer's Helping Hand

I can get incredibly frustrated on occasion when out walking along local public footpaths.  They can suddenly terminate, with no indication, let alone identifible route to continue my walk.  Sometimes, my only option's to back track.  In the past I might have reported it to the County Council's Byways Department, but in these days of cut backs, I doubt anything would be done.  I also consider that if I'm the first person to come along in goodness how long to find the route impassable, it is hardly a well trafficked path.

Still it is good to see farmers who take their responsibilities for maintaining our public footpath network seriously.  Here, the farmer has gone along the route with weedkiller, to cut a route straight through his crop to the small footbridge in the distance and beyond to join up with a local bridleway.

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