The eyes have it

" I am sorry to have to ask you this," said the young nurse clearly embarrassed " but I have these boxes to tick.
Do you know where you are?"
"Golden Jubilee hospital ".
" Do you know what day it is?"
"What year is it?"
Well, I passed the cognitive test given to everyone once they reach a certain age.
Still it's a bit demoralising to discover that this is what awaits one growing old.
Equally off putting were the two young nurses who spoke to each other in a normal voice but turned to me and spoke slowly in a raised voice.
( Fortunately this was the only bit if ageism I encountered in my brush with the NHS today.)

Going to the Golden Jubilee hospital is  a bit like a rite of passage in this neighbourhood and I have just been through it.
You reach a certain age, develop blurry vision and hey presto you are sent (if you  are lucky) to the Golden Jubilee hospital in Glasgow.
This is a state of the art hospital built originally for rich Arabs who decided at the last moment that maybe they did not fancy having to fly into this northern outpost for their private medical treatment.
So the hospital was taken over by the NHS.
Its a plush modern building with a four star hotel attached so you can have some fine dining before strolling through for your appointment.
It was unlike any other hospital I have ever visited- spacious, luxurious,  quiet, calm and so relaxed and the service was faultless. The big surprise is that I need not one but two cataract operations! both eyes . And all within 18 weeks…

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