Mountain Sheep

Happy April Everyone!

So as the seasons change and the milder weather returns it's time for the farmers to move their sheep from the safety of the lowland pastures back up onto the fells. Here in the Lakes it's the hardy mountain sheep that move first - the Rough Fell, Swaledale's and Herdwicks.

Life on the mountain can be tough but rewarding for the sheep - the pasture is far more diverse and richer in nutrients - but obviously a lot harder to come by - sheep can often be found cragfast or even, sadly, fallen to their demise. Over time the sheep have evolved to cope with this environment. Like the fighting cows of the Valais they select a leader - one who'll pick the safest ground for the flock - the most hill-wise and surefooted sheep. At the start of each season when the flock is released the canny farmer takes them to a small hill and a pecking order is decided for another year. The sheep vie for position, jostle, climb and scramble until one claims, quite literally, top spot. King (or Queen) of the hill and the flock.
I was lucky enough to capture this today - quite possibly a first, mountain sheep hieracrchy in all its complexity!

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