Inverness Blipmeet Memories…

A quiet, sleepy Sunday, recovering from all the excitement of the previous four days... Browsing through the many, many photos I took brought back happy memories, so I thought it only right today to share some of them with you. Plus, I wanted to have a record of our wonderful blipmeet at Rosemarkie Beach!

 Centre photo: Blipmeet at Rosemarkie Beach with Baron, Houseonahill6, IsleMum

Top row from left to right: Rosemarkie Beach - Cooper (IsleMum’s adorable pup!) - the very grand staircase of my hotel, The Royal Highland Hotel (based on The Titanic!) - Inverness Cathedral - Inverness Castle

Second row from left to right: Sutors of Cromarty - Loch Ness

Third row from left to right: Skein of Wild Geese - Loch Ness Monsters!

Bottom row from left to right: Rosemarkie Beach - Cromarty Firth - the oil rigs of Cromarty Firth, complete with skiff rowers, and snow-capped mountains! - Kessock Bridge - a fuzzy dolphin in the rain, Beauly Firth

(Why do my photos always lose their clarity and sharpness when I upload them to blip?)

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