My girl had a meeting with her course advisor today in Glasgow. We considered going through early spending a bit of time getting to know the area more and generally trying to re-assure her, but decided that our time was best spent doing things at home first then going in for the meeting and back home again.

Thank goodness we did. Who decides to hold a meeting during a University Open Day? The trains and Underground were packed. The streets were almost lined with people she knew from the year below in both her old school and neighbouring schools. How cute did she feel being there with her Mummy in tow. Poor lamb.

I didn't join her for the meeting and was excited to get to the Cloisters for some quality time. No sooner had I got there than she rang to say she was finished. Good grief, she was literally in and out in 10 minutes, with few questions answered. She was however happy to have met her Advisor, to have a face she could recognise and to re-visit the streets she would pound daily. So it was worthwhile.

I wobbled a little this morning but by the end of the day I too could see how happy my girl could be in the town of Shipbuilding.

My poor boy has been well and truly abandonded just now. Hopefully I went some way to make it up this evening as the three of us sat down to watch The Hunger Games movie. Good grief it was riveting and I am completely terrified.

Anxious and terrified the perfect combination for a good night's sleep!

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