
By AprilJane

First Day

I expect there are a lot of blips like this today - but what else can there be when your daughter starts secondary school for the first time?

I was expecting to be emotional but somehow I wasn't the end. Perhaps it's because we've been living this in one way or another since March, or perhaps it was because Al didn't start school today, and it felt like its still the holidays.

Anyway, she had a great day so we were all pleased.

We went for a walk when she got back because Al wanted to go by his school too see how the building work had come along during the summer. He is due to go into the new building tomorrow and perhaps was hoping it might not be ready. It didn't look exactly ready, but I'm sure it will be okay....

Anyway, the teachers had been working today and so Betsy decided to go and see if her old teacher, Miss Bostock might still be there. In the classroom she found not just Miss Bostock, but Lily, Penny, Markus, Alish, Yusuf, Julia... with more having been by, and more sending messages that they would be coming tomorrow. What a popular teacher she is. They all looked so smart and grown up in their new school uniforms.

Nibs and CC came by for a couple of hours. We went for a walk in the park - it was like midsummer. The deer however, know that autumn is coming and were braying, honking and clashing antlers accordingly. Chantelle knows no fear and was delighted!

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