"Wol" tree

We set out to do a walk today which should have been about 10km.  But my walking pole broke about half way round, so we cut the return leg short.  Even so, "map my walk" tells me I did 9km, in just over 3 hours - the last 4 of those I did with no walking stick!

The weather was glorious.  Early on the walk we encountered this wonderful old tree, with the small pool behind.  Just beside it was a glade filled with wood anemones.  Later we passed a field of oilseed rape.  And later still, a great swathe of blackthorn in full bloom - I was hard pressed to choose a blip.

As an extra - a "Thelwell" pony.  I drive past the field with 2 of these ponies in regularly, but with nowhere to park easily.  Today, we walked past them, so I had to take a photo.  W is sadly deprived, and had never encountered Thelwell cartoons.

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