Sammy Squirrel

Monday 3rd March 2017 (1682)

I originally set aside today for a catch up/preparation day so it was well timed. I had a very productive morning but then needed some fresh air and exercise so went for a walk around the local nature reserve, this time from the house. 

My ankle has been bad in the last few weeks so this was a test. The next walking group walk is 7 weeks away but needs planning first, my photography holiday in the Lakes (requiring a lot of walking) is 10 weeks away and my big swim (requiring me to be fit!) is 11 weeks away - help! Blow the pain, I need the exercise.  I managed the walk, although the uneven ground was the hardest. It isn't that far all round so I need to build this up now. 

The walk enabled me to get this shot. I liked the way I caught him on the turn. 

Back home and another productive afternoon, clambering back up that cliff! 

Tigger - what did you put in that last lot of bounce? It seems to be super-charged! 

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