The Picture Taker


Mono Monday- Inside

It's been an interesting couple of days, and I don't mean in a good way.  I thought I got something in my left eye on Saturday afternoon.  It felt like a grain of sand that kept moving.  I couldn't get it out, so had T drive me to the local drugstore to get some eyewash. (I knew I had a eye cup from years ago, but couldn't find it. Of course I found it after we got home.) The eye wash didn't seem to help, but I tried to wash both eyes.  A bit later my right eye also had the grain of sand feeling in it. Very irritating! I actually went to bed earlier than I would have so I didn't have to think about my eyes.

Sunday morning, both eyes were bad.  After googling pinkeye, I called the clinic and explained how I thought I had pink eye. After fielding several minutes worth of questions, the nurse agreed with my diagnosis and called in a prescription.  I thought that things would have gotten better after that, but no! I will spare anyone here the details of the thick goop that I was able to pull from my eyes all afternoon. Every 5 minutes.  Again, to bed early, just to keep from having to try to see.

This morning my eyes were so red and ugly that I decided I should go and get them checked to make sure we were medicating the correct disease.  Ah yes, classic bacterial pinkeye. Both eyes are getting better- at least there is no more feeling of sand in them- but still pretty raw.

So I have been just sitting around the house doing not much, when I came upon some lenses I had for a previous phone camera. They don't connect well with my current phone, but I decided to try to use them.  I saw that Mono Monday was Inside.  I have long wanted to take a photo with my camera inside my refrigerator, but decided instead to use the fish eye and take a photo of the inside of it.  So there you have it.  One can probably tell a lot about a person by what they have in their fridge... 

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