Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison


It is a nice thing when my sister spends the night. For one thing, she always remembers to set the coffee maker. She stays up with me to watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. C adores her and opts to bug her instead of me first thing in the mornings. And finally, she is good with hair. Here she is braiding R's hair, which is a milestone as R donated most of the first 9 years of her hair to Locks of Love last year and it is now just long enough for braids again.

For those following my tale of woe about the school bus, I am happy to report that I found a sympathetic and sensible ear in the person of my children's new principal, who cut through the red tape and solved my child care dilemma by approving R and C for "courtesy seats" on the half-empty bus that stops a block from our sitter's house. And breathe...

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