
By Legacy

For Cooper

I took this picture from the hill behind my house and while I'm sure it would benefit from a brief trip through Lightroom it isn't going to get it, mostly because I don't know much about Lightroom -- yet. Anyway, this is the way it came out of the camera so good, bad or otherwise, I'm posting it.

More important than the picture (this time) is the chance meeting I had with a young man with bicycle and camera who had also stopped to take a picture. He said he was a student at our local university and he was moving to Pittsburgh and wanted to remember the view. It was just a plain old nice conversation with a stranger, one of those moments that makes you feel good. We talked about cameras and photography and the view, of course. He told me about how his supervisor had given him one of his cameras to use because he didn't have one and that he had just turned 32 (just a few years older than my grandsons). I decided to dedicate this to him as a thank you for a pleasant moment in my day and if he ever runs into me on Blipfoto -- thanks, Cooper -- I hope you're happy in Pittsburgh.

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