Placid Casual

By Barnaby_Nutt


first ride of '09 under my wheels and it was a good one.
we were in the lake district for new year and so i rode the 48km from windemere to grizedale, around the north face trail and back again.
i enjoyed the trail. it was ideal for a day such as today where i didn't have a lot of time, i was riding alone and couldn't be bothered with the faff of navigating.
they seem to have gone big on 'shore' sections across boggy bits. i'm happy with this method but this morning, before the sun had gained enough elevation to thaw the frost, everyone of those wooden sections was covered in ice. i'd mastered the technique of going 'light' on the bike and not braking but a couple of them still caught me out.
otherwise the trail is fun for the most part, especially a section that breaks up two fire-road stretches in the middle of the ride. maybe because it is the steepest section of the ride.

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