Free Wheelin'

Sunday....let's see.  We moped around a bit knowing that it was the last day of Spring Break, and didn't really feel like going anywhere.  We did some laundry, and made some food for the week.  In the afternoon, we realized how beautiful it was outside, so Sugar took her 4-wheeler for a spin.  It had been entirely too long, and she had to get the rhythm of the shifting back down, but in no time she was cruizin' along.  After snapping some shots, I left her to it, and went back into the house to finish up more food prep for the week.  When I am eating no wheat and no sugar, meal planning is a must.  I have to have options ready and available or I will fail.  

In the late afternoon, we all headed outside.  I mowed the lawn, Sugar raked.  The Hubby did some work in the greenhouse.  It felt like Spring...and that is lovely.  

Soon it was time for dinner, and bed.  We read some Harry Potter, and drifted off to sleep.

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