twinned with trumpton


So again we kicked off with a breakfast; more apple juice and croissants and cocoa pops than you could shake a stick at. 

I took the kids off on a wander that they wanted across the Tyne Bridge; looking down on the rooftops and chimney pots from above; across to Gateshead in the sun; and then looped back through the Sage (which curiously they all loved; I was less warm towards it) and then back in a sprawling meander to check out. 

To the Angel! (Of the north - I'd been a load of times before; Tom has too; but the rest were first timers. We took the obligatory tourist shots, played football in the sun and then carried on to the Metro Centre. 

3 hours of airless vapid artificial blandness. I'm not sure anyone got much out of it (other than pants for the boys) so finally we bade farewell to the North East and drove north up the A1. Car is making groaning noises so it was a tentative drive home; listening for any creak or groan as we went; but - we made it. Dropped the ladies and we were in for 6.

Exhausted by the stupifying shopping and the 2 hour drive in the sun, but I put on a wash, sorted dinner, unpacked and after an energetic hour we were done. All that remained was the autopilot of bath / bed and blip. (Except I think sleep may have overcome me before I got to post it... ooops!)

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