Cuckmere Haven

Another glorious day and I took my visitors to Cuckmere Haven.  We walked along the river down to the coastguard cottages on the cliffs and then down to the beach so Emily could have a paddle, and then strolled back to the Cuckmere Inn.  We had a lovely lunch of pie and chips sat out in the sun - amazing for the beginning of April!

We called at the supermarket on the way home and then spent the rest of the afternoon sat in the garden.  Emily wanted to earn some pocket money, so I had a hair brushing, shoulder and head massage and then a hand massage for 50p!  Then she helped sweep up Sherbie's food that had come out of his cage for another 20p.  She's already looking at things to help me with tomorrow.

Tonight I had a check up with my oncologist and it was a good opportunity to discuss a few problems that I seem to be having, namely joint and muscle pain.  The conclusion is that the muscle pain is still as a result of the chemo which he said it can continue for some time, and my joint pain appears to be osteoarthritis - oh joy!  But with regards to everything else, it's as it should be at this stage and he's quite happy that everything is fine.

Later on Chrissy and Barbs came round to see Lorraine and Jen and we had a couple of bottles of processco and a nice catch up, but it was a late night so I'm very late posting this.

This shot is taking from the cliffs looking over Cuckmere Haven and towards the Seven Sisters, I've added another selfie to my extras.

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