Scattered Polaroids

By sp

So I actually can't have hot lemon and honey. I cut and squeezed the lemon, then realised we have no honey. Boo.

I've been waiting for a phone call all day.
I turned the ring volume up on my phone, and have been carrying it round the house all day. Of course, the 30 seconds where I went upstairs and left it plugged into my laptop was the 30 seconds they phoned. Boo.

I want one of the coffee cupcakes I made the other day. They've all been eaten. Boo.


I've just realised that sounds far too negative.
The phone people phoned back. And it's much much better weather than this time last year. And I do feel marginally healthier than yesterday. And I taught myself some (probably very simple but complex for me) tumblr coding today.
AND I found a tiny jar of lemon curd in the cupboard and ate that instead.

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