Ed And Daisy

Well, Daughter only has a couple of days left before she needs to go back to Edinburgh and the week has ended almost as it began with Daughter not well.

She was complaining last night of a sore throat and announced this morning at 6.45am that she needed to go to the doctor. Fortunately there was an open surgery so we headed to the surgery just before 8am. By 9.30 she was diagnosed with tonsillitis and in deep conversation with the doctor about acting/studying/acting experience as the doctor's daughter seems to be on a similar path. A quick drive from here to the dentist as she had an appointment for a scale and polish. She was late but luckily they still took her.

We had rearranged a meeting with Joco while we were in the doctor's surgery so another quick drive back home to meet her at 10.30am. Luckily I had been able to pick up some cakes while collecting Daughter's prescription.

Glad to be back home with a coffe and cake and a good catchup with Joco. Managed to get some photos of new family member Ed but couldn't leave Daisy out.

Snooze time now!

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