Thank you all very much for all the stars and hearts for my old fox as he is sitting on page 2 of Popular. So chuffed.
Well Rachel arrived last night and was having a lie in this morning, so I got ready to take the dogs out at seven and was making sure to keep nice and quiet so I did not waken her. Well I went into the hall to get my coat when Daisy went completely mad in the kitchen, I ran out and there on the window was squirrel Nutkin (see extra). Oh dear.
Managed to again see the nervous heron this morning, but he just kept flying off, but in the end I got a quick shot, so this is my blip for today, do hope you like it. I then took Rachel out for lunch, again in extras, which she enjoyed. The young ones today have no stamina as I am about to start gardening and Rachel, well, she is having a lie down! Hahaha.

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