Keith came down and we had lunch then took dad out for a push in his wheelchair, we made it as far as the park, and Dad had an ice cream and we had teas. Dad enjoyed seeing the park so busy with families enjoying the weather. We pushed him back home and then went to visit Mum. Sadly today was definitely not her best, she was really angry with everyone, she wished I was dead and hoped I never went to visit her again. We left her to cool down and then went back in after 10 minutes but she was still on the same loop of conversation, being spiteful to me, and the carer who was sat with her so we came away for our sanity.
Keith and I went to the shop and bought ice creams as we needed a bit of a treat after that visit.
Foot is still really sore and swollen so came home and put it up for a while and read my book for a while.

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