Enjoying the view (Day 702)

Sigyn poked me in the face with her exceptionally hard, wet, cold nose at 7am, encouraging me to get up and take her and Talisker for a wander up the hill. The wind was much lighter than it has been for the last week and it was slightly warmer.
Given the lighter winds, I thought it an ideal opportunity for a bit of a cycle, so took a trip round my 15 mile route. The headwind on the way home made it hard going, but it was good to be out on a bike again.
After an early lunch, I took the dogs to Yesnaby and walked to Row Head. The view looking south from there was lovely and even the dogs stopped for a moment to look at it. Or a rabbit. It was more likely they were looking at a rabbit, but it made for a nice shot. Extra added just because the colours were so good.
Back home, there was time to feed the dogs and have a coffee before I zoomed to town to collect  my beautiful wife from her 24 hour shift at work. It sounds as if it has been very hard going.
I shall administer medicinal gin shortly.

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