The best cheesecake in the world

This is the best cheesecake in the world, baked today by the best cheesecake maker in the world.
I played my part by getting in the way and washing up as we went along.

It is a baked cheesecake and as I am such a generous person, I will share the recipe with you.

450 g full fat, smooth cream cheese. (Don't be tempted by 'light' versions)
Half cup full, double cream (1cup = 250 ml.)
Half cup sugar
2 eggs
1 large teaspoon custard powder
Pinch of salt
Squeeze of lemon juice.

First line a suitable baking vessel with a biscuit base, mixed with melted butter. You can use digestive biscuits, Marie, Rich Tea, Nice. Ginger biscuits work too but not anything with chocolate.

Beat all the ingredients together and pour into the shell.

Bake at 180°C or lower for a fan oven for 35 - 40 minutes or until looks cooked. Don't open the oven too often to check.

It is scalable, so you can double the ingredients and make two.

Do not worry if it has a cracked appearance; it adds to the charm.
It is best left to cool and eaten 24 hours later....if you have the will power.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES dust it with caster sugar.
DO NOT ADD soft fruits, or coulis or any other nonsense.

If you disobey the last two instructions, I will hunt you down and confiscate your cameras - a threat no Blipper can ignore.

If you think I am being harsh, you are right.

Eat...Enjoy....make again.

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