Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Flash Robin

The local tearoom, part of the Network Centre, our community business, is always closed on a Thursday, which gives me the chance to do any work that may be necessary to the building. Today my plan was to paint the front door and surrounds early on to give it sufficient time to dry before the first customers arrive tomorrow morning.

On previous occasions when I have been working near the building a very tame Robin has appeared next to me, obviously looking for scraps of food. I decided to take the camera with me today in case it should appear as I wasn't going to have much time to get any other blips.

Sure as fate it wasn't long before he appeared behind me as I was painting the door surround. I went for the camera and got a couple of shots of him which weren't great as the light was poor due to the imminent rain. He flew off and I returned to my painting. About 20 minutes later he was back sitting on the railing behind me and then hopping from one vantage point to another. The next thing I knew he flew past the side of my head into the tearoom. He seemed to know his way about as he picked up crumbs in the carpet under each of the tables. Time to try and get a decent shot!

The problem was the lighting and the fact he kept hopping about all over the place. Meantime my camera indicated in red that I should use the flash. Didn't seem quite right to use flash for a shot of a wild bird, but I decided to give it a go. As I raised the flash the wee Robin, still a juvenile I think, flew onto the back of a chair and posed for me. He stayed there long enough to present different profiles of his features and for me to get my blip.

With the pale blue background, no smile or glasses, I think this might even do as a passport photo!

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