Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

5 Months

Another month has passed, I'm now 5 months old.
But my sleep has regressed a little if the truth be told.
Early to bed I still do go, mummy places me in my cot.
But once the clock strikes midnight I waken up a lot.
Mummy takes me in beside her and we snuggle in her bed.
I sleep so much better when I'm sprawled across her head.
My teeth have started to grow, I now have one and a half.
You can see them sparkling white when I let out my hearty laugh.
I love my brother Eli, he entertains me no end.
Already I can tell that he will be my best friend.
Time is whizzing by so quickly, never has it went so fast.
Mummy just wants to pause and makes these moments last.
But onwards we must go, what's next amongst the mix?!
Let's find out as we venture on to month number six!

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