Barking up the wrong tree.

J dropped me off at the gym quite early this morning, as he was going out on his motorbike. Des appeared about  ten minutes before I was due to finish. We had a quick chat quick for  Des  and then I walked into Newbridge  Fields. I could hear a dog barking, and looking up into this tree, and I could see his owner trying unsuccessfully, to get the ball down.  I think he aimed a bit too high. The dog wasn't amused, and eventually gave up, so as soon as they had disappeared, I took this photo. It  was really lovely walking home, but within an hour , the sun had gone, and it's much cooler now. J got home about an hour after me, and had lots of stories to tell. Once again, I would like to thank you all for putting my Sweet Art blip, which got to number two, on the popular page. That is the highest I have ever been, and it's all thanks to you lovely people.  I'm not bragging, honestly!

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