Life through the lens...

By ValC

The little blue tractor.

I thought this little tractor reminded me of a character in a children's story book. The two lamps as eyes. It was delightful.

We have been over to Heath village near Wakefield, to recce a walk we are leading in two weeks time. I doubt the weather will be as good as we have had today. 26C when we got back to the car, and still 22C when we got back home.

It has been a walk of butterflies and birds.
The orange tipped butterflies fluttering along as if leading the way.
Also peacocks, brimstone , small white and speckled wood.

The birds sang along the way. Chiff chaffs, wrens, robins , blackbirds and others.
However the highlight of the walk was seeing dozens and dozens of sand martins swooping over the river, and back to their holes in the sandy bank. What a wonderful sight.

No photos of the walk as you know who forgot her camera!
Must remember to take it next time.
So I have put up some extra photos which I took around the village and common when we returned to the car.

We had a nice finish sat outside in the pub garden with a pint of shandy.

I do hope you have all been able to enjoy this wonderful weekend weather too.

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