
Today has started and ended with chicken trauma. A little for us yes but far more for the chucks. 

Having been conned into rehoming 5 new birds we actually decided to tackle the problems which involved washing them in the utility sink in dog flea shampoo, scrubbing their legs with a toothbrush to get under the scales, spray on Scaly Leg solution, and finally give a toe and leg massage to each with vaseline which stops the mites present breathing. Sorted out the coop, sorted out a bigger run and then decided to ring the vet as I just couldn't see how we were going to cope without giving them to the foxes - poor things. 

The vet didn't snigger as everything comes at a price, so we transported them in a dog cage in the van up there and each chicken had an injection which will totally sort everything with a follow up in a month. I love going out smelling of chicken spray! Honestly I couldn't think of another way forward and was NOT going to be washing chickens in the sink for ever and a day as strangely I have better things to do - you may not believe it but oh yes I do! I will tell Sonia (from Tewkesbury) the 'lady' who dumped them on us - yes that is her real name who deserves to be named and shamed, about all this when she tries to flog us her coop .........  

Meanwhile trying to catch up on the accounts (still smelling of chicken spray), do holiday washing, etc etc. 

Oh and finally after this rant - this is a daisy on the lawn which you may have guessed?

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