A moment in time

Monday 10th April 2017 (1689)

Terrible noise on this I know. It was dark and there was nothing to rest the camera on so I pushed the ISO too high. For me, it is not the quality of the picture that matters but the record of a special time. 

Chrism Eucharist at Liverpool Cathedral today, with an opportunity of prayers for healing. Sometimes God speaks rather directly through other people. A time too special to share but too special not to record. 


I would have left it at that but this afternoon I did a visit to one of the local farmers. I ended up being taken to see the new calves. Off we went in the jeep down the road and then right into the field. We drove slowly among the mothers with their young. Approx 100 mothers and approx 75% have given birth within the last three weeks, some are clearly ready to do so. I have never been among so many calves. They are a mixed herd so lots of different colours. Some of the young ones were so cute. (See extra) Even saw some delightful twins. Wish I had had my camera and not just my phone! 

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