Pewter work on Copperplate

This lovely piece of art was made by the local people. They make them under the trees, next to the main roads, usually close to their homes, so they can pack up and go home with their merchandise just before dark daily!

What makes this so remarkable, is the fact that they had no formal training, this is pure, raw talent!

This specific piece is about 1 meter tall. It is of a local man in the village, playing his musical instrument under a banana tree, with a traditional cloth made from animal skin round his waist and a thin leather strap with the tooth of a mammal round his neck. Note the band round his right biceps, they wore that for medicinal reasons.

It is of special sentimental value to us, because we stay in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia and R snr works in the Copper Industry here, and we will always have fond memories of the time we spent here!

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