Back amongst the boats

Very wet today and chilly too, 7 deg C for most of the day!  After we all got thoroughly soaked on our long walk in the morning, I just let Ollie and Scratch play amongst the old boats later on in the day.  

Yesterday the little Patterdale terrier, Tinker, who has moved in next door got through the fence into our back garden and attacked Scratch.  Being a terrier too, she gave as good as she got.  It took all my strength to separate them, and in the end I was holding Scratch aloft, with Tinker still attached to her back leg.  Her owners came out grabbed her and apologised profusely as they carried her off.  Thankfully Scratch was unhurt so far as I could see, just a bit shaken by the whole thing.  Ollie, wisely, had nipped sharply back into the house, being of the 'lover not a fighter' persuasion.  Unfortunately I jigged my hip in the performance and must have damaged a nerve or pulled something.  Bending and sitting is a bit tricky!

This morning, on our way to see to the hens, Tinker ran out of their drive and attacked Scratch again.  This time poor Scratch was on her lead and couldn't get away.  Tinker's owner ran out and hauled her off Scratch and blamed the child for letting the dog out. 

Yes, terriers will fight, especially two bitches, and Scratch did give as good as she got, but it's not on.  She was upset, Ollie was upset and so was I.  For the rest of the time while J is away Scratch has gone to stay with a mutual friend of J's and ours, and we'll see how that goes.  

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