Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

From the bus

I took this photo from the bus when I was going home from a meeting in town. There's no sharpness, but I kind of like it anyway.
Tonight I've been at a lecture held by one of my favourite photographers, Mattias Klum. He does work for National Geographic amongst other things. My cousin phoned me some time ago, and asked if I wanted to accompany him to this lecture and of course I did! It was a great couple of hours with lots of fun stories from Mattias trips. He told us that he sometimes thought that NG sent him to all of the more difficult and uncomfortable assignments like hanging amongst the treetops for 16 days to take photos of a special bear that only lived high up in the trees and was active during the nights. If you want to see what he does, look at his web site here.

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