Ina's Snippets

By ina

Gigi's progress

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't. "

~ Unknown ~


To get these two to sit still for a blip is almost impossible :)
Gigi to the left, Timmy right

EDIT: I've changed the picture... at least now you can see their faces :)

Gigi: Weekly Progress Report
Every Saturday since 14 June 2008 -
To be continued until she is 1 year old)

Gigi is now 8 months!
Weight: 2,750kg
Weight gain this week:0g

(Timmy: Weight 3,550kg, gained 0g)

Gigi had no weight gain 4 weeks in a row :)
Timmy's weight seems to be stabalizing as well. He is 2 weeks older than Gigi.

Mr Snippets got his new mobile phone today. Has been a Nokia user since mobile's hit the market, today he chose a total different brand - the Windows mobile HTC-S740 and is quite happy with it. It's like driving a BMW for years and then you buy an Mercedes :))))


"Grind it out.
Hanging on just one second longer than your competition
makes you the winner. "

~ H Jackson Brown ~

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