Compton Verney

A beautiful scene
Enjoyed in leisurely style.
At a Segway pace.

What a brilliant blipmeet.

It started off in the normal way - meeting in a cafe for food and drink. For some of us it then got a little bit more exciting. We were booked on a tour of the grounds by Segway. Technophobe, Hildasrose, Igor and SHH stood with me on the edge of a patch of rough, grassy ground and watched as we were shown how to drive the Segways. We each had a short training session before we set off. In a long line and to the envy of other visitors we Segwayed (is that a verb?) around the paths of the grounds. I was just about competent but Igor was in his element. Like a child. I might have to buy him one for Christmas. Better start saving up though. They're a mere £5000!!

Extra: blipoff at ten paces!!
Extra Extra: Igor mastering the art of segwaying while young boy looks on enviously.

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