Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Stress Relief!

After unwittingly tossing Son's cell phone into a bag of recyclable bottles and cans yesterday, and locking my keys in the trunk of the car this morning, I needed stress relief!

The cell phone drove me nuts last night. After searching through bags of trash and turning the house upside down, I was certain the phone was in the garage. It was 9:30 last night when I finally trudged out to the garage and called the missing phone. Imagine my delight when a small bag of cans and bottles began rattling like dry bones in the bag as the phone was set to vibrate!

Locking the keys in the trunk was sheerly distraction....talking on my cell phone and hurriedly grabbing my purse as an employee snatched my shopping cart. I was so distracted, I hoisted the purse onto my shoulder and closed the trunk, instantly realizing where the keys were! Thankfully, OnStar unlocked the doors!

After the key incident, I decided to lick my wounds by visiting the garden center at Home Depot. This is where the lovely Monarch blessed me with its appearance and patiently posed as I snapped away. Apparently, one of the (crotchety!!!!!) older women working in the garden center did not appreciate my photographic pursuits as she annoyingly called out, "Can I HELP you""

I need a vacation. A lonnnnnggggggg vacation!

Thank you for the stars and fav yesterday. It made tonight feel so much better!

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