The sinister shadow of war

Reading the headlines on this day I was dismayed by the worsening of events in Syria. So I was a little taken aback when I peered out the bedroom window to see this sailing past our peaceful idyll in Knoydart.

After photographing it and checking the reg number out on the web, it turned out not to be a fully loaded Russian nuclear sub positioning itself for a point-blank threat, but a small Norwegian diesel sub chugging up the Sound of Sleat. Probably just providing protection for the numerous vastly expensive looking Norwegian fisheries vessels that inhabit the area.

Ula class submarine
S 302
HNoMS Utstein
6 December 1989
25 April 1991
14 November 1991
Interestingly, these subs are apparently the only vessels afloat that have enough sleeping accommodation for the entire crew (21). They are so small and manoeuvrable that they are very difficult to detect and find. Maybe the RN should take note.

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