
By Marginellaman

Inverted Comma

Finally, in the warm September sunshine, I have butterflies on my Buddleia! It's called the butterfly bush, but you'd wonder really as it has been more of a hoverfly bush all summer. So I was delighted to discover three red admirals and this orange beauty feeding on it today. It's a Comma, so called because of the small white 'c' shape on the underside of the hind wing (not visible here). The wing edges are heavily serrated giving it a tatty look but the orange colour is quite striking. It was a bit flighty so I swapped from my macro to my zoom and fired off a dozen shots. This one of it feeding upside down was the best.
I was going to dig out the bush this Autumn, but now I won't. I'll just give it a good prune instead. It flowers on the new growth anyway so it should still give a good supply of nectar for the butterflies and insects next year.

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