
By MurielSpark


More bad bird photography :(. For one reason and another I've been mostly stuck at home the last two weeks. Apart from getting messages my only excursion is to the tiny area of ground by the railway line laughingly described as "The Nature Reserve" by the Cooncil and more accurately called the Dog Walk by the locals.

Anyway it keeps me sane wandering down there for an hour in the afternoon and getting absorbed in bird spotting.

I was so pleased to find these lovely goldfinches.

Apparently they are under threat now on the continent where wild birds are caught and sold on markets as caged birds for their song and lovely plumage.

Coincidentally I am reading "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt at the moment, although unfortunately not enjoying it as much as "The Secret History".
The extra shows the gold flash on the wing.

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