Joe Hall- Creative Stirling

Ask a school-leaver what he/she wants to do and the first answer will be: “get out of Stirling”.
For the city suffers from the “wee brother syndrome” because it lies half way between Edinburgh and Glasgow and young people, especially those with creative talents, want to go to the  neighbouring big cities.
That is understandable. But one woman with a mission to change all that is Joe Hall, director of Creative Stirling.
She believes passionately that there is a place for young creatives to work in the city.
And it looks as if she is succeeding in attracting talented folk to both work and stay here helped in recent years by the establishment of Forth Valley College, a new campus with a thriving Creative Industries department.
Tonight they showcased some of that creativity in New Design Talent 2017 in an innovative new venue- Debenhams restaurant.
With shopping malls struggling to find a role as consumers move online one solution, already aired in America where the problem is worse, is that they should look at ways of turning some of their spaces into studios, art centres and workshops.
Now that’s a thought.

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