
By bgleyna


Today is the last day of the Lent Challenge, and I found it hard to choose just one picture to illustrate the word "receive", as I feel I have received so many joys and blessings from God this year! Just to name a few: I have a wonderful husband who takes good care of me and cooks such amazing food. I have three wonderful grandchildren who bring me continual joy. The garden is a never ending source of wonder and surprise, like today, for example: I went out into the garden to capture the beautiful sunrise glimpsed through the trees, when I saw this strange creature! It moved like a hummingbird, hovering around the flowers, it was about the size of a hummingbird, but it had very different markings and none of the jewel-like colors of a hummingbird, so I didn't know what to make of it. After some research, I found out it was a "Hummingbird Moth"!

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