
By heartstART

Sherwood College

The five of us drove from Bhim Tal to Naini Tal, a place set around the lake high up in the mountains. We all spent the day excavating our memories of 1970 when we were there last to settle my brother into his new boarding school, Sherwood College. It was a teary parting of ways back then, as we left him behind and went to live in Budapest.

Returning today, we all had mixed feelings as my brother lead us around the school, recounting how he hated the rigidity of the English style of instilling values and discipline into young students which was later inherited by the Indians. He remembered fondly sneaking out with friends at night to go the cinema or orchards when Naini Tal was a sleepy village. Against the school policy, he took us up to his old dorm which was bleak and apparently unchanged after more than 45 years.

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