Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

League Winners

So even though it's been on repeat in our house for over a week, we went to the cinema to see Trolls this morning. We're pretty sure we could reenact the whole film word for word. 'No Troll left behind!'

Afterwards we went to Sainsbury's for shopping and lunch. Daddy had some choice words for the childless couple who parked in the last parent and child space. In the afternoon we went to a birthday party and had a great time. Daddy and Eli dropped granny and granda off at the airport later on.

So even though the rugby season finished for daddy a couple of weeks ago and his team were guaranteed promotion, he had to wait until today to find out if they had won the league. The good news came through around teatime!

Daddy is currently celebrating by boiling eggs for a hill rolling competition tomorrow. Hardcore, daddy!

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