Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

The thrashers are back..

and they have babies in the nest in the redtip bush by the back porch. 

 We had seen them fluttering around between the front yard and back and out of the azaleas and the redtips.   Apparently the babies hatched while we were gone because I can barely see them down in the nest.  Now these birds are very smart...earlier I cut a little "hole" in the redtips by the porch at eye level so  I would have a clearer shot of the nest as they seemed to be refurbishing it.   Then one day it was gone and I saw they moved it over about a foot in the very thickest part of the shrub.  So now I have a tiny little opening that I can barely see the babies.  Those birds are something else.

They do like to sit on the porch rails and chat when I am outside..or over at the water pan bird bath.   Hoping to get a shot of the little ones later next week as they start putting their heads up.  I can't tell if this is the momma or the daddy as there is always two birds around and they look alike to me.

Had Easter lunch with my younger son and his wife today..we just grilled steak and had potatoes and salad.  Easy and quick, and when they left to go to the other parents to eat again..I had a little nap.   Trying to get myself back in my regular routine is harder than I thought!  

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