
By HareBrain

Hangin' on in there

Its been a beautiful day here today but work does get in the way of enjoying the sunshine etc. However after work I spied a gentleman in the allotments just over the road from where I live and cheekily asked if I could enter this wonderful world of fruit, veg and flowers lovingly tended by the owners to take a few photos. He was very trusting and let me go in and said "just close the gate behind you when you leave and if anyone asks say that Ken gave you permission " . I only bumped into one dear elderly lady cutting the last of her marigolds and delphiniums for the allotment show tomorrow (which sadly I will miss as we are off to Duxford in the morning for the Air Show for Himself's pre-birthday treat - all his kids, and grandchildren and my No. 1 daughter are going to be in the pub where we are staying to surprise him.) As he will be 70 next week I hope the surprise isn't too much for him!!!

The Allotments show signs of early Autumn and apart from some prolific bunches of runner beans still to be picked, pumpkins of enormous proportions and late raspberries, leeks, cabbages etc. the sweet peas and other flowers looked past their best. There were signs of the big tidy up and I look forward to that glorious smell of clippings and wood smoke which will follow.

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