By wellsforzoe

Changing lives forever

9th April 2017:
These people and the whole village are so happy and thankful for their new pump because for years hey shared the pond where they got their water with their animals. Now their lives will change forever and they will all be healthy says the Chief
As they always do, they sang and prayed for Tony and his family, while the women and girls will pray each time they collect water for Wells for Zoe and our donors or well wishers as they call them.


District:  Mzimba
Area:  Kalweya
Village:  Kasolota Thika
Distance from factory: 133 km
Depth of well:  10.5 meters
Former water source:  open pond
Furthest from well:  320 meters
Number served:  109 families
Preschool:  None
Primary school:  35 mins
Secondary school:  90 mins

S: 11 52 04
E: 33 27 00

Mrs Thinks: 0881154918

In memory of Tony McEvoy, RIP, Ireland
Pump Number

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