Wood Anemone

Many thanks for all your kind comments and congratulations on yesterday's 1,000. I never imagined when I started that I would still be here a thousand blips on but as Lao Tzu might have said if he were a blipper .. 'A journey of a thousand blips starts with a single blip'. And blip has been a real thread of continuity over these arduous years providing a safe, supportive and inspirational haven of souls which has been hugely appreciated.

Today's blip was taken on a walk on The Helm after work, still a bit shell shocked from a busy weekend of family gathering, more probate sorting and the long hours driving, particularly on Friday when I was stuck on a gridlocked A1 as I headed south. Very moved by the Good Friday Meditation on the way down and not quite so sure about The Ideas that Make Us, about hope, on the way back. Either way, thank goodness for the radio on these trips.

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